Trevor Scott
JoinedPosts by Trevor Scott
Jeruselum Destroyed in 607 BCE?
by Pureheart ini read justhumans response on one of the threads, and he mentioned that jeruselum was not destroyed in 607 bce.
i would like to have more information on this.. pureheart
by JEMIMAH insomething came across my desk, today indicating ibsa's association with the wcc.. i can't reveal what at this moment, as this would reveal my id.. however i know that there are posters out there who will verify my credentials.. what is needed is someone willing to carry out some digging in the info about the wcc.. let's just say that the scarlot beast isn't the only one to be ridden by the society.. once this is out in the open, more can be revealed,.
any info much appreciated.
regards to all, especially max and oz.
Trevor Scott
Anyone getting anywhere on this? My searches all came up empty...
by hawkaw inas of 6:02 pm last night i received a facsimile from paul hoeffel at the un on the wts.. he gave me 3 of the 4 things i requested in two paragraphs.. i have sent a scanned version to steve bates and someone else.. i sent it to kent and randy.
and kent and randy have posted the official united nations letter on their web sites.. here is the letter - put your cursor on the image and then right click on your mouse and hit "save image" to your computer.. .
after you look at kent's web site and you people still think this it is a fake letter, phone paul hoeffel yourself at (212) 963-8070.. hawk
Trevor Scott
Regarding scanning of pro-UN Awake! articles, I think this is a great idea. I'd love to see scans of the Nov 22 1998 Awake! pages 3-7 made available on the web. These are killer. Great pics, too. Actually pages 8-14 in the same mag are pretty good too. MAn, half of this mag was devoted to the beast!!
Any chance someone could scan these articles and get them to Randy or Kent?
I need UN help FAST.
by Parliament inhey all.
stop by to drop of a copy of the watchtower, and i asked him if i could ask him a question.
i asked him about the witnesses being part of the un.
Trevor Scott
The two most important pieces of evidence are here:
And here:
First link lays out the criteria/requirements and responsibilities for an NGO associated with the UN (support the work of the UN, mobilize public opinion in support of the UN, disseminate UN info, etc.)
Second one is the official letter from the UN confirming the WTS' ten-year association and recent disassociation.
Also, here's a link to a repository for a lot of this info, at Randy's site:
(edited because I didn't actually want the jpg in here, but cant figure out how to display the url without the image showing - sorry)
by JEMIMAH insomething came across my desk, today indicating ibsa's association with the wcc.. i can't reveal what at this moment, as this would reveal my id.. however i know that there are posters out there who will verify my credentials.. what is needed is someone willing to carry out some digging in the info about the wcc.. let's just say that the scarlot beast isn't the only one to be ridden by the society.. once this is out in the open, more can be revealed,.
any info much appreciated.
regards to all, especially max and oz.
Trevor Scott
"What is needed is someone willing to carry out some digging in the info about the WCC"
If you're still looking for someone, I'm game. You can email me at [email protected].
Single Witness club on Yahoo clubs
by slipnslidemaster in
let the hilarity ensue... i've already started over there, i think you should too.. slipnslidemaster:"and now about the cauldron sing, like elves and fairies in a ring, enchanting all that you put in.".
- william shakespeare, macbeth
Trevor Scott
I always thought Fred was an "a hall" ;-)
JWs reasons for the UN fiasco
by AMarie inbefore i get started, please let me emphasize that i am not a witness nor ever will be again.
many of their policies are crooked and underhanded.
however, i did some more research on the un thing and found out valid reasons why the wtbts joined.
Trevor Scott
No one disputes that there are valid reasons for signing on with the UN. Thousands of NGOs have done just that.
However, the WTS has condemned other religious organizations for just such an association as this. Since they themselves signed up, this makes them hypocrites.
Also, I dispute this statement of yours: "Being an NGO with the DPI doesn't necessarily mean that you are pro-UN"
It has been clearly shown that associative status with the UN-DPI as an NGO requires that you support the work and the charter of the United Nations (aka, scarlet colored wild beast).
You say many priests and pastors subscribe to Watchtower and Awake. When they do this, do they sign an agreement to "support the work of the WTS", to "mobilize public opinion in support of the WTS", to "support the charter of the WTS", to "disseminate information about the WTS", to "devote a portion of their information programmes to the WTS' agenda"? Apples and oranges.
wild beast
by erik indoes anyone have another view or interpretation of the 7 headed 10 horned wild beast and the one that gives it power that beast having one head and 2 horns.
i believe current wt informs the 7 headed wild beast to be the un and the beast that gives it power the 2 honed wild beast to be the american-anglo power.
please give any other alternative views to this prophecy.
Trevor Scott
I recommend reading this article, by Carl Olof Jonsson - The League of Nations and the United Nations in Prophetic Speculation:
It demonstrates how the WTS views on the identity of the wild beast, and their supposed prophecies regarding the demise of the League of Nations and "revival" of the UN were not at all prophetic or unique.
Many fundamentalist Christians believe there is a correlation between the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns, and the UN. What the WTS would have you believe is unique, is really not unique at all.
Much like the 1914-Gentile Times doctrine, the WTS "borrowed" this teaching from "Christendom".
Be Magazine Conscious!
by MacHislopp inlook what worries this week the wtbs:.
"*** km 10/99 2 service meetings for october ***.
be magazine conscious!
Trevor Scott
My fav quote:
When you approach a newsstand, what do you see? Magazines. At a corner store, what catches your eye? Magazines. What makes the mailman bend under the weight of his mailbag? Magazines. Thus, what are many people reading? Magazines.
Man, how long did it take the logicians in writing to work that puzzler out? Their deductive abilities never cease to amaze...
Typical Jdub Mindset
by BoozeRunner inin an ongoing e-mail convo about the wbts, here is the latest response i got.. .
e-mail message .
from: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
Trevor Scott
This is a tough one because whenever you point to an individual (or group of individuals), the JW calls it an organization. Example, Noah. Noah should be a prime example of God working through an individual, not an "organization", yet the JW will tell you Noah and his family were an organization. In fact, they often use this as proof of God working through an organization.
Some points I've tried to make on this issue with dubs in the past:
Paul is explicit that he did not answer nor report to any so-called "first century governing body":
Gal 1:15-20
But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went immediately into Arabia and later returned to Damascus. Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter and stayed with him fifteen days. I saw none of the other apostles--only James, the Lord's brother. I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie.
Gal 2:1-6
Fourteen years later I went up again to Jerusalem, this time with Barnabas. I took Titus along also. I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. But I did this privately to those who seemed to be leaders, for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain. Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek. [This matter arose] because some false brothers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you. As for those who seemed to be important--whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not judge by external appearance--those men added nothing to my message.
Also, ask the jw which organization God was working through when David left the nation of Israel to live in an enemy nation. Or when Joseph was in Egypt.
Here's a link to a great article by Tom Cabeen, titled 'Does God Work Through an Organization':